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  • Peshawar: Practical Psychology

    from Sharif

    Dear Linda, 
    Thank you for motivating and giving me the chance to write a composition on practical Psychology and knowledge of life in the SAA in your Winter-Elementi. 

    Psychology is the scientific study of mental and behavioural functioning such as consciouncess, sensations, preceptions attention, learning, memory, intelligence and motivation. In addition psychology teaches us how people behave and what people do, think and feel in isolation or in group situation. The urge to understand ourselfes and other people better is both a help and hindarnce in understanding psychology. 

    Psychology is applied every whever in the home, at the school, at the hospital, in officess and all imaginable situations involoving the behaviour of humen individuals alone or in groups. Forexample for a teacher the firs step toward effective teaching in the class is to know the child psycholgy such as students, thier names, preceptions, needs problems, tendeniecs and etc. 

    Psychology has many branches such as Educational psychology, Personal psychology , Humen relation psychology etc. It has close relationship with other sciences too, like Biological sciences, Physical sciences, Medical sceinces and social sciencese. Psychology gives us soluations for our problemes in life. Psychology develops students physically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. So it is important to teach psychology to students. I teach the following topics to the students in the SAA: 

    1 - Learnign Techniques 

    2 - Working Techniques 

    3 - Relaxation after Emotions 

    4 - Knowledge expention Techniques 

    3 - Self Evaluation 

    4 - Meeting Running Techniques 

    5 - Listenting and Speaking Techniques 

    6 - Confilict Management Techniques 

    7 - How to prevent Emotion and psychological Tension 

    8 - Artical writing 

    9 - Getting advantae from time 

    10 - Personality Develpmente 

    11 - Project Management 

    12 - Relaxation after learnign and studing 

    13 - Relaxation after emtions 

    Each of the above psychological lessons has thier own improtance in students' life and by learning psychological lessons the students can be more organized and disciplined in thier life.They will be able to understand themselves and others better, cope with thier problems in an effective way and treat each other with respect and kindness. Students have learned alot from the above topics and they are intersted to learn more becouse they know that the above psychological lessons give them more soluations to thier problems . 

    I try to find out more about psychological lessons related to sutdents' problems and teach them ,so that they will be more succefull in thier lives.. 

    Thank you

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