Intuition is Learnable (vergriffen)
Using spiritual powers in everyday life
Learn how to perceive your inner voice with the help of the popular spiritual teacher Linda Roethlisberger
Author: Linda Vera Roethlisberger
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Having intuition is not a character trait that you either have or do not have from birth. Similar to learning a foreign language or how to drive, intuition can be learned. The spiritual teacher Linda Roethlisberger shows in her book how to develop your own intuition in six steps.
By way of inspiring exercises, meditations, and imaginative journeys, you will learn how to perceive your inner voice during everyday life and to consciously use it in making decisions. Avail yourself of the fullness of these new perceptions and insights in recognizing and understanding your own life themes in order to solve problems and positively reshape your life.
Linda Roethlisberger has worked since 1986 as a medium and spiritual teacher. In 1990 she founded near Zurich, Switzerland, the Trilogos Institute for personality training and consciousness development. She gives lectures and seminars on the theme of extrasensory perception and how it can be employed to unfold our personal potentials – the so‐called PsyQ®. For that purpose she developed the Trilogos‐ PsyQ®Method (TPM) – an integral approach to raise emotional, mental and spiritual awareness. Since 1995 Linda Roethlisberger has published many books.
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